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Reunions for the USS Bergall, SS 320

1992 Reunion in Indianapolis at the 38th Nation Convention

Back row, left to right; Bob Belkowski, Pete Cook, L. Lawson Byrd, Ed Adams, Jack Huston and Chuck Kennedy. Front row, left to right; Don Deremer, Cecelio Dias, Bob Carolous, Bob Croft and Carl Weber.

The sixth reunion for the USS Bergall, SS 320 was held during the 38th National convention in Indianapolis. Fifteen Bergall shipmates were present at the convention and we all met at one time or other in the Hyatt hospitality room.

We held the reunion dinner at Norman's restaurant in the colorful Union Station complex. Attending the dinner were Madeline and Ed Adams, Ethel and Bob Belkowski, Ann and L. Lawson Byrd, Bob Carolous and Carol Polermo, Jean and Pete Cook, Edna and Bob Croft, Don Deremer, Joan and Cacelio Diaz, Betty and Jack Huston, Dorothy and Chuck Kennedy and Marge and Carl Weber. Unable to attend the dinner due to 'other boat' reunions were Bob Curtin, Warren Grossetta, Ken Katlen and Rob Wing.

The next reunion was scheduled to be held in Anaheim, California during the 39th National Convention. The coordinator for the seventh USS Bergall (SS 320) reunion was Chuck Kennedy.

A reunion dinner in Milwaukee, in 1996 found a few guys getting together again. Don Small sent these from the reunion and some from a little later.

Some of the guys who made it are (left to right), J Lawson Byrd, Chuck Kennedy, J.J. Ott, Eddie Adams, Tom Atienza, Orin Purintun and WarrenValero.

This is ComSubPac, R. Admiral Konetzne, Mary Mulligan (a friend of John Reichart, Maryland state Commander)
and Rose Mary Small (the young bride of Don Small)
Here's a happy shot of Joseph John Ott.

These pictures are courtesy of Don Small, shown here with a friend.

Here is Carol Palermo. Always a welcome addition... she downed two of these Bloody Marys, with a little help.
(Oh, we'll here about this one!)

The 1999 WWII Subvets Convention and Bergall Reunion was held in Fort Worth, Texas in August. For some pictures of that... (courtesy of Bob Peterson) click here


Please send comments and suggestions to Mike Brood.

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