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The 2001 USS Bergall Reunion was held in St. Louis !!!!
"Attention on Deck!!!
The Captain has given me the 1MC, once again, and I have an important message for you.
You can read the minutes of the Bergall Association Meeting by clicking minutes.
We had another great time in St.Louis for our second association reunion. We strengthened the bonds between the old guys from the smelly diesel and the "Glow in the Dark" Nukey Poos. We drank a lot of beer in the Bergall Hospitality Suite while peering out the window at the Arch and harassing Mike Brood via the internet connection in the Suite. Mike was unable to make the reunion in person but I think he was there in spirit. He has been indispensable this past year in keeping our endeavors on track. Many wives were there and spent time saying things like that's not the way it happened and you never did that and then would retell our stories to make us look like fools. I always thought we were pretty cool dudes back then and sorta kin to Einstein. The 320 told some good war-time sea stories and expected the 667 to reciprocate but none of us had the proverbial gun to eliminate the witnesses so we just kept quiet.
We did make some changes to our structure at the annual meeting establishing a Vice President, splitting the Secretary-Treasurers position into two separate people. No it is not Norm's clone the new Secretary is Abe Kern and the VP is Rod Lovdal. We kept the annual membership dues at $10 to defray mailing expenses and voted to donate to the kitty for items such as the Hospitality Suite. The Reunion Coordinator, Lt Ron Mueller, did an outstanding job of keeping us in donuts and sandwiches. Yes, I did say Lt and not retired. He is a deep diving shallow water sailor. He rode Bergall from 83 to 86 as a ping jockey and is now in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. If you have not sent in your dues for 2001-2002, it is due. Some paid at the reunion. We need those dues in order to keep the mailings going. If I drop those names that were returned on the past two mailings, it will save approximately $15 and I will probably do that. Please send your dues to Norm Ferland. His mortgage is due. Seriously, we need the money to help support our Association."
Don Basham, Bergall Association President
Here's a couple pics of the meeting, courtesy of Bob Peterson.
The Reunion Dinner:
The dinner was Thursday, August 23rd, at the Morgan Street Brewery in the Golden Pilsner Room on the waterfront at the ARCH.
Here's a tentative list of those that made the outing...
Tom and Vi Atienza | 320 crew, '46-'47 |
Don and Yuko Basham | 667 crew, '70-'75 |
Angelo and Mary Ann Christiano | 667 crew, '71-'75 |
Allen and Millie Cook | 320 crew, '44-'45 |
Earl and Vonnie Daetz | 320 crew, '49-'52 |
Norm and June Dineen | 320 crew, '54-'57 |
Ted Drought | 320 crew, '44-'45 |
Norm Ferland | 320 crew, '54-'58 |
Warren and Margaret Grossetta | 320 CO, '54-'56 |
Glenn and Marion Hanson | 667 crew, '68-'70 |
Sam and Mary Hornreich | 667 crew, '68-'70 |
Gary Kelch | 667 crew, '79-'83 |
Chuck and Dorothy Kennedy | 320 crew, '44 |
Abe Kern | 320 crew, '54-'55 |
Rod and Rosemary Lovdal | 320 crew, '49-'56 |
George and Marion Marquis | 320 crew, '44-'45 |
Gordon "Zeke" and Phyllis McClaflin | 320 crew, '57-'58 |
Ron Mueller and Tim Cusic | 667 crew, '83-'86 |
John, Lucy and Maryann Ott | 320 crew, '44-'57 |
Bob Peterson | 320 crew, '49-'51 |
Carole Palermo and Jack Ford | 320 crew, friend |
Tony and Carol Porazzo | 320 crew, '54-'56 |
John Puras | 320 crew, '52-'56 |
Tom and Robbie Simonson | 320 crew, '49-'51 |
Don and Rose Mary Small | 320 crew, '44-'45 |
Parke and Ann Spicer with Homer and Bev Ezell | 320 crew, '56-'58 |
Bud and Polly Streiff | 320 crew, '44-'45 |
Warren and Trudy Valero | 320 crew, '46-47 |
Carl Weber | 320 crew, '45 |
Marvin "Willie" and Gloria Wilson | 320 crew, '49-'52 |
Ray and Karen Wyatt | 667 CO, '73-'76 |
Looks like 45 diesel and 13 Nukes but it's REALLY 58 Bergall folks gathered for fun times !
Here's some pictures from the event, courtesy of Don Basham, Angelo Christiano, Bob Peterson, Tony Porazzo and Don Small!
Basham (Our MC) and Ron Mueller, our fantastic "on-site" organizer!
Bergall table at the convention. ??, Tom Atienza, Ed Adams, Vi Atienza and
Carole Palermo.
The Bergall
"Plank Owners"... Chuck Kennedy, Allen Cook, George Marquis, Don Small, Ted
Drought and J.J. Ott (seated).
Karen and Ray
Wyatt with Angelo and Mary Ann Christiano.
and Trudy Valero, Tom and Vi Atienza, Carole Polermo, Jack Ford and Rose Mary
Marion and
George Marquis, Tom & Robbie Simonson and Rod & Rosemary Lovedal.
Vonnie Daetz,
??, ??, Earl Daetz. (this must be the McLaflins or the Streiffs)
Ted Draught, Chuck and Dorothy Kennedy, Allen and Millie Cook.
J. J. and Lucy Ott and Carl Weber.
Poraazzo, Margaret and Warren Grossetta, June and Norm Dineen and Carol Porazzo.
J. Ott, getting ready for dinner.
Homer and Bev
Ezell, Ann and Parke Spicer.
Parke Spicer in
his "uniform" of progress through the Bergall ranks!!! Those Good
Conduct marks seem a bit backwards but not on Parke!!!
And here's the
back, just to show one of his "tours of duty".
Norm Dineen,
Norm Ferland, Tony Porazzo, Warren "Moose" Grossetta, Abe Kern.
Tony Porazzo,
John Puras, Abe Kern and John Ott.
and Rose Mary Small.
"Big Willie" and Gloria Wilson.
Don and Yuko
the hospitality suite... Maryann looks on as Tom Atienza and J.J. Ott talk.
pride of J.J.'s life, Maryann Ott and Tom Atienza.
Warren "Moose"
Grossetta and Norm Ferland.
Ferland and Warren Vallero.
Norm Ferland,
Tony & Carol Porazzo and June Dineen.
Norm Dineen,
Norm Ferland, Tony & Carol Porazzo and June Dineen.
Parke Spicer had some replica 1955 Bergall
patches made up for the Association to sell...
This reunion for the boat's crew was held in conjunction with the USSVWWII National Convention.
The next reunion was held in conjunction with the USSVI National Convention in Duluth, MN, September 17 - 22, 2002.
For the highlights of
that event, please click ...
Please send comments and suggestions to Mike Brood.
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