War Patrol Report (War Patrol 2, Endorsement 2, Page 1)


UNITED STATES NAVY                                                                               12b / pr



Serial   063 11 January 1945
A16-3/A9 Serial 0113, 
dated 23 December, 1944. 
Report of Second War 
From: The Commander Submarines, SEVENTH FLEET.
To: The Commander in Chief, UNITED STATES FLEET.
Via: The Commander, SEVENTH FLEET.
Subject: U.S.S. BERGALL (SS320) - Report of Second War
Patrol - Comment on.
1. The Second War Patrol of the Bergall was shortened by serious battle damage received on her first attack while proceeding to assigned area off INDO-CHINA coast.
 2. At 1755, 13 December, BERGALL sighted a target at great range, and immediately commenced to execute a daring plan of attack.   The water near ROYALIST BANK off the southern coast of INDO-CHINA, is so shallow, twelve to fourteen fathoms with several six fathom spots, that submerged attack, or submerged retirement, was unlikely of successful achievement.   This fact was clearly in the mind of the Commanding Officer from 1755 until the action was complete.   The prospect of being trapped by escorts if sighted did not alter his determination to attack any target worthy of the ultimate risk.   Even after successfully destroying one heavy cruiser, BERGALL decided to go back and attack the remaining targets, and it was at this time that she was holed by an eight inch shell.   The details of her attack and subsequent retirement are clearly and completely covered in the First Endorsement by Comsubron Twenty Six, and the remarks concerning the brilliance of planning involved and of the indomitability of the Commanding Officer, Officers and Crew are dully concurred in.
 3. The award of the Submarine Combat Insignia is authorized for this patrol.
 4. The attack by the BERGALL on this occasion and the achievement of her Commanding Officer in bringing his ship back to port through confirmed enemy controlled waters is considered an outstanding achievement.   The Commanding Officer, Officers and Crew on the BERGALL are congratulated for having inflicted the following damage upon the enemy:
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