War Patrol Report (Page 25)

Subject: U.S.S. BERGALL - Report of THIRD War Patrol
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  3.   SJ Radar Defects:

   (a)   1/24/45 - Insulation burning in xmtr unit was noticed and gear was secured.   Visual inspection showed that L(1)1 could be the cause.   Resistance measurement of same revealed nothing.   C18 was checked and found to be shorted.   Replacing C18 did not correct situation.   L(1)1 insulation was broken down enough to erase internal shorts.   Output of bias generator insufficient to ionize VR tubes and TR cavity.   L(1)1 removed and 1.5 meg. resistor in TR cavity circuit was removed and an external source of - 800 volts - was supplied by a conventional type power supply using old salvaged parts and equipment spares from other electronic gear.

   (b)   1/30/45 - Reg. Rect "A" voltage 305; no screwdriver adjustment was possible.   V9 in rectifier replaced.   Condition corrected.

   (c)   2/11/45 - With high voltage "off" had a false echo at 80,000 yards, also unsynchronized grass of high amplitude traveled across scope causing interference similar to nearby SJ.   With high voltage off, the output of the IF stages produces an audio note of the same pitch as oscillator multivibrator V206 believed to be oscillating.   Gear had to be kept in operation due to existing weather conditions.

   (d)   2/12/45 - SJ had been drifting off frequency for some time.   Cause had been indeterminable other than slight B plus voltage variations.   B plus voltage was stabilized but frequency had shifted.   Entire SJ-RF section was retuned except for antenna stubs.

   (f)   2/13/45 - Tracked submarine out to 7,500 yards.   Checked ringing time and found it low but standing wave ratio was very high.   Conditions prevented any adjustment at this time.

   (g)   2/14/45 - Antenna setup adjusted roughly for maximum output only.   Standing wave ratio not checked.   Definite improvement in wave echoes immediately noticed.   Ringing time also increased.


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